In November 2023, PRC successfully rescued 5 children from trafficking and exploitation, and in collaboration with partnering agencies and law enforcement,
had 6 predators/traffickers arrested.

News from PRC The Philippines
To begin, we’re incredibly pleased to announce the successful rescue of five-day-old baby “T”. In all child trafficking cases, swift and immediate action is required, and executing this extremely challenging investigation and rescue mission demanded immense patience and discipline across all teams. This specific instance marked the third infant rescue conducted by the PRC Philippines within a three-week period, and the dedicated efforts of our PRC Philippines and Dark Web teams, along with reliable informants, made these rescues possible.
All individuals involved, including the mother, have been apprehended, and ongoing investigations are underway. It's crucial to emphasise that a single arrest often unveils vital information leading to the discovery of other potential cases of child trafficking or abuse. These operations transcend instances of impoverished parents unlawfully selling their children; they reveal organised crimes committed by both international and domestic syndicates.
As per Philippine law, the infant will remain under the care of the appropriate authorities until a suitable adoptive family is found.
We express our heartfelt gratitude to the Philippine National Police (PNP) for their continued assistance and commend the exceptional PRC Philippines team, resolute in their dedication to safeguard the well-being of children.
Our commitment to eradicating these issues remains steadfast as we persist in leading the way on the frontline, providing assistance, and conducting rescues for children in need.
Five-day-old Baby T, safe in the care of the appropriate authorities
Second, we’re delighted to announce the successful rescue of two unrelated boys, aged 2 weeks old and 3 years old respectively. This operation, spanning approximately three months, involved close collaboration between PRC Philippines and our sources. We initiated this operation via communication with online traffickers who were trying to sell the (as yet) unborn baby, and all of our evidence gathered in this investigation will go on play a crucial role in supporting the prosecution of these criminals.
On the morning of the operation to rescue to the baby boy, the traffickers contacted our agents, offering to sell the 3-year-old boy as well. After consulting with the NBI (Philippine National Bureau of Investigation) Chief, we made the decision to proceed with the purchase of the second child. PRC met the traffickers at a predetermined location, where undercover NBI agents, PRC operatives, and DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development) staff posed as customers, ready to intervene. After a brief conversation at a table with the traffickers, a PRC undercover operative handed over the marked cash. Once the transaction was completed, NBI agents acted swiftly but calmly to apprehend the traffickers, prioritising the safety and well-being of the children.
Again, legal custody of the two children was taken by DSWD staff, who will care for them in accordance with Philippine law until suitable family members or adoptive families are identified. Both children have undergone medical examinations and are in good health.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the NBI for entrusting PRC with this operation and for their exceptional work. Additionally, we thank the compassionate DSWD staff for their dedication and care.
Both children directly following the operation, in the care of the DSWD.
Lastly, we can report the successful rescue of a young boy who endured severe physical and psychological trauma and abuse. PRC launched the investigation based on a tip, supported by videos and photos documenting his ongoing starvation and physical abuse. Locating the child required some time, but with the collaboration of the Philippine National Police, DSWD, Women’s and Children Protection Centre, the Governor and his staff, and the Social Welfare Agency, we achieved a successful rescue at the end of the month.
We were able to locate the child's Grandmother living in another part of the Philippines, and she gladly took emergency custody. We then safely relocated them both to protective accommodation as the case continues.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes to Vice Governor Atty David and his staff. The child is now safe, happy, and thriving in a secure and nurturing environment with a loving family. The suspect has been detained, and further investigations are underway.
Following his rescue, the child travels to be with his Grandmother in protective accommodation
News from PRC Kenya
Several years ago, PRC discovered a run-down tin shed in an economically disadvantaged area of West Kenya. Recognising the urgent need for assistance, we eagerly began supporting the local school by providing educational materials on a monthly basis for both students and teachers. To tackle the issue of undernourishment among the children - many of whom lacked proper meals at home - we launched a campaign to provide hot cooked meals. Additionally, we donated gas cookers and essential supplies to the school to ensure the preparation of nutritious meals for the students on a daily basis.
In 2022, we undertook the reconstruction of the school and installed two new toilets complete with clean, fresh water, all made possible through the generous donations we received.
In November, we oversaw the completion of the school building, now featuring a brand new concrete floor. We believe that all children should receive an education in a clean, healthy environment.
The School building, and freshly laid concrete floor in West Kenya
Online Grooming
We’re pleased to announce a 14-year-old girl, who had fallen victim to online grooming via Snapchat is now safe. After accepting a friend request from an unknown account, posing as an attractive 16-year-old boy, she developed a secret relationship over the course of three months.
This individual began sending the girl gifts, which raised the suspicions of her mother. Upon investigation, the mother sought assistance from Dutch authorities but sadly, her plea for help was denied. A friend then recommended contacting PRC.
PRC’s Dark Web team quickly intervened and, with permission, took control of the girl’s account. The imposter continued sending explicit photos to, and requesting nude images from what they believed to be the 14-year-old girl’s account. Leveraging our advanced technology, we successfully traced the imposter’s account to a town in Germany. After an additional two weeks of investigation, a 23-year-old male was identified, arrested, and detained for questioning.
We commend the vigilance of the mother in recognising her daughter’s activities and for promptly raising the alarm. The girl has since engaged in numerous conversations with our team, aimed at enhancing her understanding of online safety.
“I would like to express my gratitude to PRC for helping me stay safe. I now have a profound awareness of the dangers that exist on the internet.”
We strongly encourage parents to be aware of the individuals with whom their children are communicating online.
Other Good News
It is with great pleasure that we introduce our three newest ambassadors: Scott Burns, currently serving as the Director of Inclusion and Disability at The Scottish Rugby League; Madeleine Roche, recently crowned Miss Great Britain, who proudly holds the title for the next twelve months; and Tanya Joy, a dedicated detective with an extensive background in the child protection unit. United by a boundless passion for safeguarding children, these individuals have graciously joined our cause, and we are immensely proud and grateful for their valuable support.
Christmas Lunch Appeal
A continuation from last month’s newsletter, we are still welcoming donations for 2024’s Christmas Lunch Appeal.
For the fourth consecutive year, we will once again create unforgettable memories for the children at our rescue centre in Kenya and the students at the PRC-sponsored Kenyan school. However, this year, with your support, we will extend this to the children in our centre in The Gambia and to survivors of child sacrifice in Uganda.
In The Gambia, the Christmas lunch will take place at the Bamboo Village Resort, while in Kenya, it will be held at the Oyugis Splash Fun Park. For the children in Uganda, a special celebration will be hosted at the Llori Kids Play Village. But that's not all – we have a significant and exciting surprise in store for many more children in Uganda, which we will unveil on the day of the event!
For these children, this day is a source of joy and lasting memories, and you can play a pivotal role in making it happen. The cost of a cup of coffee can provide a child with a hearty buffet this Christmas, filling their tummies with nourishing food. All the funds raised will be directly allocated to this special day.
Every child deserves to experience a magical Christmas, and we express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of our donors who contribute to making this a reality. To get involved, please visit this link:
Photo taken at a previous PRC Christmas Lunch in West Kenya
We'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible donors, volunteers, and supporters. Your commitment and generosity are profoundly influencing the lives of survivors of trafficking and exploitation globally. Your ongoing support is our driving force, empowering us to provide essential resources, rehabilitation programs, and a secure haven for those who have faced unimaginable hardships.
Our work, dedicated to making a difference in the lives of these children, would be impossible without your support. We sincerely appreciate your assistance in bringing positive change to those in need. Thank you.